citta vagga
A nyílkészítő sima nyílvesszőket készít;
a bölcs is kisimítja remegve vibráló, ingatag elméjét,
melyet oly nehéz szilárdan tartva irányítani.
Miként a hal, melyet kiragadtak.
vízi otthonából és a szárazföldre dobtak,
éppúgy ficánkol kétségbeesve az elme,
hogy kiszabaduljon a Kísértő uralmából.
A nehezen megfékezhető,
csapongó, vágyűzött elmeellenőrzése jó.
A megfékezettelme boldogságot hordoz.
A csapongó, vágyűzött elmét
a bölcs irányítsa arra, ami mélyen rejtett,
amit oly nehéz meglátni.
A jófelé irányított elme boldogságot hordoz
3. chitta-vagga — Thoughts
phandanaM chapalaM chittaM duurakkhaM dunnivaarayaM
ujuM karoti medhaavii usu-kaaro va tejanaM. 33
Elusive and unreliable as it is, the wise man straightens out his restless, agitated mind, like a fletcher crafting an arrow. | 33 |
33. The discerning man straightens his mind, which is fickle and unsteady, difficult to guard and restrain, as the skilled fletcher straightens the shaft (of the arrow). | 33. |
vaarijo va thale khitto okam-okata-ubhato
pariphandat’ idaM chittaM maara-dheyyaM pahaatave. 34
Trying to break out of Mara’s control, one’s mind writhes to and fro, like a fish pulled from its watery home onto dry ground. | 34 |
34. As the fish, taken out of its watery home and thrown on land, thrashes around, so does the mind tremble, while freeing itself from the dominion of Mara (the Evil One). | 34. |
dunniggahassa lahuno yattha-kaama-nipaatino
chittassa damatho saadhu chittaM dantaM sukh’aavahaM. 35
It is good to restrain one’s mind, uncontrollable, fast moving, and following its own desires as it is. A disciplined mind leads to happiness. | 35 |
35. The mind is unstable and flighty. It wanders wherever it desires. Therefore it is good to control the mind. A disciplined mind brings happiness. | 35. |
sududdasaM sunipuNaM yattha-kaama-nipaatinaM
chittaM rakkhetha medhaavii chittaM guttaM sukh’aavahaM. 36
A wise man should guard his mind for it is very hard to keep track of, extremely subtle, and follows its own desires. A guarded mind brings happiness. | 36 |
36. The mind is incomprehensible and exceedingly subtle. It wanders wherever it desires. Therefore, let the wise aspirant watch over the mind. A well-guarded mind brings happiness. |
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