Diana lapja

~DHAMMAPADA~ verses: 33-36 ~ Hungarian-English-Pali ~

citta vagga
 A nyílkészítő sima nyílvesszőket készít;
a bölcs is kisimítja remegve vibráló, ingatag elméjét,
melyet oly nehéz szilárdan tartva irányítani.
Miként a hal, melyet kiragadtak.  
vízi otthonából és a szárazföldre dobtak,
éppúgy ficánkol kétségbeesve az elme,
hogy kiszabaduljon a Kísértő uralmából. 
A nehezen megfékezhető, 
csapongó, vágyűzött elmeellenőrzése jó.
A megfékezettelme boldogságot hordoz. 
A csapongó, vágyűzött elmét
a bölcs irányítsa arra, ami mélyen rejtett,
amit oly nehéz meglátni. 
A jófelé irányított elme boldogságot hordoz

3. chitta-vagga — Thoughts

phandanaM chapalaM chittaM duurakkhaM dunnivaarayaM
ujuM karoti medhaavii usu-kaaro va tejanaM. 33

Elusive and unreliable as it is, the wise man straightens out his restless, agitated mind, like a fletcher crafting an arrow. 33
33. The discerning man straightens his mind, which is fickle and unsteady, difficult to guard and restrain, as the skilled fletcher straightens the shaft (of the arrow). 33.

vaarijo va thale khitto okam-okata-ubhato
pariphandat’ idaM chittaM maara-dheyyaM pahaatave. 34

Trying to break out of Mara’s control, one’s mind writhes to and fro, like a fish pulled from its watery home onto dry ground. 34
34. As the fish, taken out of its watery home and thrown on land, thrashes around, so does the mind tremble, while freeing itself from the dominion of Mara (the Evil One). 34.

dunniggahassa lahuno yattha-kaama-nipaatino
chittassa damatho saadhu chittaM dantaM sukh’aavahaM. 35

It is good to restrain one’s mind, uncontrollable, fast moving, and following its own desires as it is. A disciplined mind leads to happiness. 35
35. The mind is unstable and flighty. It wanders wherever it desires. Therefore it is good to control the mind. A disciplined mind brings happiness. 35.

sududdasaM sunipuNaM yattha-kaama-nipaatinaM
chittaM rakkhetha medhaavii chittaM guttaM sukh’aavahaM. 36

A wise man should guard his mind for it is very hard to keep track of, extremely subtle, and follows its own desires. A guarded mind brings happiness. 36
36. The mind is incomprehensible and exceedingly subtle. It wanders wherever it desires. Therefore, let the wise aspirant watch over the mind. A well-guarded mind brings happiness.


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